背中の痛み Pain in the back


病名: 背中の痛み



診断書: なし



Name: Grace Higashiguchi

Name of Illness: Pain in the back


Date Healed: October 31th, 2021 (Healing Service)

Doctor Certification: None


Before I was prayed for, I went to osteopathic clinic, and the pain was loosened for a while. That Sunday, Pastor Eunyoung prayed for me in Healing Service. While I was being prayed for, I had less pain, and I told her “About 75% of my pain was gone.” Pastor Eunyoung said let’s pray again. At that moment, my body became hot, and as I was going to say I am sweating because of it, my pain was completely healed. I was so happy that I hugged Pastor Eunyoung. Hallelujah!