目の角膜の傷の癒し Scratch on cornea of eye







目を開けたまま寝ていたらしく、そこで角膜に傷がついてしまい朝、痛みで目を開けない程痛かったので病院に行き、薬を塗り、眼帯をしていました。礼拝後に祈って頂いたら、痛みが全く無くなり癒されました!!ハレルヤ!! その後、病院に行き受診しましたら、角膜に傷が全く無く綺麗に癒されていたので病院の先生が不思議がって3度も検査をし、傷があった目は左だったのに「右目だったかな?」「自然治癒力が強いのかな……」と傷が無くなっている事が信じられない様でした。ハレルヤ!!主の御名をほめたたえます!!!

Name:  Y.Y

Name of Illness:  Scratch on cornea of eye

Duration:  About one week

Date Healed:  June 4, 2017


It appeared that I had slept with my eyes open, and in the morning, there was a wound on my cornea which was so painful that I couldn’t open my eye. I went to the hospital, applied medicine and came home with an eye patch. After receiving prayer, the pain was gone and I was healed!! Hallelujah!! After that, I went back to the hospital, there was no evidence of any wound on my cornea. The doctor was in disbelief, and examined me three times. The wound was on my left eye, but the doctor kept muttering, “maybe it was the right eye?, Is natural healing power really stronger?…” Hallelujah!!  Praise be to the name of our Lord!!!