病名:目のかすみ ・飛蚊症
病歴: 10年程前から
診断書: なし
Name: Y.K
Name of Illness: Eye floater, Blurry eyes
Duration: From about 10years
Date Healed: May 29th, 2022 (Healing service)
Doctor Certification: None
About ten years ago on my medical check up, I had high intracular pressure, so I went to the eye doctor to get it checked up. Intracular pressure was okay, but the doctor told me that I had cataract, so he told me to get it checked. I didn’t have to, however. Eventually my eyes started blurring, and it was hard to read my Bible. I was very worried, but I went to healing service to receive prayer. After I went back home and started reading a book, my eyes were no longer blurring, and I was able to see clearly. My eye floater went away too! Hallelujah!