Name: S.F
Name of Illness: GERD
Duration: 10 months
Date Healed: July 30, 2017
Last October 2016 I was diagnosed with acid reflux and discovered I had H pylori infection in February, along with severe gastritis. Then for the last 3-4 months, I felt a “ball” in my throat and whenever I sang or prayed in tongues, I had a hard time breathing. Then this past Sunday during the announcement, I realized that it was a healing service and suddenly felt choked up. Then I felt something lift off of me, and I could praise and worship with no problem for the first time. Later a word of knowledge for stomach problem was given, and I went up for prayer for acid reflux and stomach. The “ball” feeling in my throat turned to an iron ball feeling whenever I ate tomatoes or drank milk products. But after prayer the “ball” feeling was gone and I ate a tomato slice for lunch, and again at dinner, with no problem. Thank you Jesus!!!