病名: 酷い足の痙攣Severe leg cramp
診断書: なし
Name of Illness: Severe leg cramp
Date Healed: October 31th, 2021 (Healing Service)
Doctor Certification: None
After our afternoon special worship, I was going up the stairs when my left calf muscle severely cramped. I could barely walk and kept massaging my leg, but nothing helped. I thought drinking water would help and was told there was water the our church office. So I slowly hobbled down the stairs to the office, unable to put weight on my left leg. Yoko-san immediately came to pray, and when she was done, I stood up in both feet. There was no pain, no cramp and I could even jump up and down putting full weight on my left leg. Thank you, Jesus! I enjoyed both the drinking water and the living water that day.