悪性リンパ腫 Malignant Lymphoma

氏名:T.Kさんの証し (代筆 K.Y兄)




診断書: なし






Name: T.K

Name of Illness: Malignant Lymphoma


Date Healed: January 20th, 2023

Doctor Certification: None


My dear friend T recovered from disease in small intestine last year, and came to Sunday service in July, receiving blessing from Pastor Jerry and our dear brothers and sisters in Christ. After a while, it became fall, and he noticed there being a bump around his neck. He received examination in hospital, and it turned out that it was Malignant Lymphoma in stage 4. It was very disappointing. Hearing about that, Brother Olaf found time around his work (December 3rd) and visited T. They read Bible and Brother Olaf prayed for him. This year from January 4th, he started his anticancer drug treatment in the hospital. Beginning from member of power breakfast to all the church members, I told about this and asked people to pray for him. As I was thinking it was going to be a long hospitalization, suddenly on January 20th, I received a message saying that “I will be able to leave the hospital in about a week.” I was very surprised. He didn’t have any side effects, and his appetite was healthy too. As he said one week ago, he was able to leave the hospital on January 27th. Doctor and nurses were very surprised. The treatment will continue, but his recovery from stage 4 is insane. There are probably a lot of reasons behind this, but I can surely say that this was done through the “power of prayer”. I thank God, and I thank all of you who have prayed for him. I always told T, “Don’t worry and just trust God. It’s gonna be alright!” Prayer is powerful!! Thank you Lord. Amen!


P.S. I received a call on February 11th, and he said his second anticancer drug treatment was done. There was no side effects, and he said he was doing well.