仙骨の痺れの癒し Numbness above tail bone area










Name:  Y.Y

Name of Illness:  Numbness above tail bone area

Duration:  2 months

Date Healed:  July 30, 2017 Healing Service


For body building competition, almost every day I went through hard muscle training.  Lifting heavy barbells creates stress on the back and hips, so living with pain was only natural to me.  However, two months ago, I suddenly felt discomfort above the tail bone area.  When I touched it, it was numb and there was a dull feeling.  I went to the doctor, but they couldn’t find the cause, and I had an uneasy feeling every day.  Then, yesterday at the healing service, I received prayer from Pastor Jerry.  Suddenly, the numbness and dull feeling was gone.  I was so surprised.  My uneasy feeling also went away.  I am so thankful.  Thank you, Pastor Jerry.  God is so wonderful!