Name: M.Y
Name of Illness: Bad lung condition
Duration: About 1 year
Date Healed: May 2015
At my physical examination in 2014, I was told that I my lungs were the same as a 72 year old person. Whenever the air was bad, I would cough, and if it continued, it would become asthmatic. I’ve had this since I was young, so I thought it couldn’t be helped. So I always wore a face mask. But then I started to question this uneasy feeling I had if I didn’t wear a mask. It may have also been a prompting from God as I felt Him ask me, “How long will you allow yourself to rely on masks?”I have never thought about asking for prayer until then, but at the Healing service, we were told that if anyone wanted healing, raise your hand. So I raised my hand. This was the May 2015 healing service, and Brian prayed for me. While receiving prayer, I felt my breathing become easier. After that, at my 2015 physical examination, the result: my lungs were the same as a 32 year old person. My lungs are 40 years younger. Hallelujah!!!!