子供を授かることを長い間、願い祈っていました。2013年のKids For the Nationsのキャンプでも講師の先生やスタッフの方から、子供が授かると預言を受けていました。(このCFNIのキッズキャンプは2007年開始から関わり、とても思い入れのあるキャンプでしたが、不妊で悩んでいるとは誰にも打ち明けていませんでした。子供たちの全体の祈りの時に講師やスタッフの方が預言を下さいました。)その後もなかなか授からず、子宮筋腫もあり不妊治療をしていましたが、効果は現れませんでした。
Name: M.A
<<My situation before prayer>>
I had been praying for a child for a long time. At the 2013 Kids for the Nations Camp, I received a prophetic word from the teachers and staff that I would have a child. (This CFNI camp has a special meaning for me, and I have been participating in this since 2007, but I have never told anyone that I was having difficulty conceiving. It was during the time of prayer for the children that I was given this prophetic word). Even with uterine fibroids, I started infertility treatments, but I still was unable to conceive. In August of 2016, my husband and I went on a trip to Hokkaido. We visited ICF for the first time in a long time, and we received prayer for a child from Pastor Jerry, Makiko, Gerald Goodall and Akemi. <<My situation after prayer>> In October of 2016, I received this news from the doctor. Due to the side effects of the infertility treatment, my uterus had been so badly damaged, that even embryo implantation was not possible. Continuing with medical treatment was now impossible and we had to abandon any further treatment. I had cried so much over the past years, but never as much as I did this day. All I could do was pray, “God, I believe you can do a miracle for me the same as you did for Hannah. Like Hannah’s prayer in 1 Sam 2, I believe You will give me victory.”In December, into my sixth week of pregnancy, we could confirm the baby’s heartbeat. I actually felt that God provided a miracle. At six months into pregnancy, there was a strong indication of premature delivery. In the latter term of my pregnancy, my blood pressure rose, but God protected us. After three and a half days of labor pains, although there was some excessive bleeding, on July 31, 2017, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
1 Sam 2:1-2
[Then Hanna prayed and said:
My heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in your deliverance. There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.]
I am so grateful to the God of miracles!
Also, to the pastors and friends who supported me in prayer, thank you!
Even now, I pray that God will grant all your prayer requests.