


English Below

🔴4月5日 日曜礼拝は分散礼拝になります❗️




1。午前礼拝 10:30−12:00

2。午後礼拝 13:30−15:00









大変な思いをされている方、苦しみの中にいる方がたくさんいらっしゃると思います。私達は心を一つにして祈りましょう!悲しむ人には主の慰めがありますように、不安な人には主の平安がありますように、救いをまだ受け入れてない方にはイエス様に出会い救いを受け入れますように、病をお持ちの人には主の癒しが与えられますように祈りましょう。そしてコロナウィルスがこれ以上人々を苦しめることがないように祈っていきましょう! 日本と世界の祝福を祈りましょう!

God bless you!
在主、伊藤 銀英(Ito Eun Young)

★Information of Sunday service on 4/5th★

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.
How are you all?
I think there are many people who are affected by coronavirus.
I pray for you.
If you have a prayer request, please share it with your cell leader.
We all pray together.

■Service time
①Morning service (10: 30-12: 00)
Participation cell group:
Nishi Minami Ward
Nishi kita 2 ward
Chuo Ward,
Higashi Ward,
Minami Ward,
residents other than Sapporo

②Afternoon service (13: 30-15: 00)
Participation cell group:
Kita Ward,
Teine Ward,
Hokkaido University,
Toyohira Ward,
Atsubetsu Ward,
Nishi Kita 2 ward
Sunday cell

* If you are attending English or Sunday cell, please come by the are you are living.

■You can also worship on the Internet.
For those who refrain from going out and those who are far away, live streaming is on the Internet.
Both morning and afternoon are on live at ICFTV. Please have a look.
You can also check the weekly report on the ICF website.

■Schedule of Shuttle bus for New parking
In the morning, the bus runs every 10 minutes from 9:45 to 10:45.
On the return, it runs every 30 minutes from 12:30 to 13:30.

Whoever attends Afternoon service should board the shuttle bus that arrives every half hour from 12:30.
The departure will leave after 3pm as soon as service is over.
We will Announced when the bus leaves.

🚇 Miyanosawa subway shuttle bus
It will run at normal times for morning.
After service, it departs at 12:30.

If you are attending the afternoon service, please contact the cell leader.
■Church Parking Information
This week, parking is available on the church premises.
Those who arrive at the church early can park according to the guidance of the parking lot.
If the church parking lot is full, please park in the new parking lot.

The priority car has a fixed number, so please park at that number.
Thank you for your cooperation as the parking space of the church is limited.

🔔 It’s time to pray for Japan and the world!
I think that there are many people who are feeling so hard and who are suffering.
Let us pray together!
May the sorrows have the comfort of the Lord!
May the uneasy have the peace of the Lord!
If you haven’t yet accepted salvation, meet Jesus and accept salvation!
May the sick have Healing of the Lord!
And pray that the Coronavirus will not bother people anymore!
Let’s pray for the blessings of Japan and the world!

God bless you!
ICF Church
Pastor Ito Eunyoung




English Below

★3月22日 日曜礼拝のご案内★

ハレルヤ! 主の御名を賛美します。


**①午前礼拝 (10:30−12:00)

**②午後礼拝 (13:00−14:30)


ハレルヤ! 主を褒め称えます!


God bless you!
在主、ICF教会 牧師 伊藤 うんにょん


★Information of sunday service on 3/22 ★
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.
For the last three weeks, we have dedicated ourselves to Internet service in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
It was really sad that I couldn’t worship with you all at church.
But i learned that it is a privilege to worship you every sunday.
And thank you all for helping us make the Church decision.

The “Emergency Declaration” in Hokkaido will end on the 19th.
Following this announcement, sunday service will be held as a distributed service.
We decide to have morning & afternoon service.
Please read and obey the instruction below.
Thank you for your cooperation.

①Morning service (10: 30-12: 00)
Participation cell group:
Nishi Ward (northwest / southwest),
Chuo Ward,
Higashi Ward,
Minami Ward,
residents other than Sapporo

②Afternoon service (13: 00-14: 30)
Participation cell group:
Kita Ward,
Teine Ward,
Hokkaido University,
Toyohira Ward,
Atsubetsu Ward,
Sunday cell

* Even if you are not currently participating in the cell group, please apply come as your cell group.
* If you cannot come at the designated time, please come at a convenient time.
(In the sense of dispersing people as much as possible, please do it at a fixed time in each area. Except for praise teams and ministers.)
* There is no lunch after the morning service.
We Prepare for afternoon service and clean the sanctuary.
(Whoever assigned to minister in afternoon can stay & eat.)
* If you want to worship online, you can still stay home & watch internet live.

March 22 is a distributed worship service, but I’m grateful to see you all after a long time.
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

The Miyanosawa subway shuttle bus is normal in the morning.
the bus will wait at Miyanosawa Exit 2 at 12:40 in the afternoon.

* If you have any questions, please contact me.
If you do not know my contact information, please contact your cell group leader.




English Below






使徒の働き 4章29~30節
聖書 新改訳2017©2017新日本聖書刊行会




God bless you!

牧師 伊藤 うんにょん

★ Information about Sunday service on March 15th ★

The government announced that we should keep not to have a event that has many people last night.
Based on this, the ICF Church has decided to have Internet service on the 15th in consideration of the safety of its members.

We ask each family to have time to worship and praise God.
Now we can’t worship together in church but we pray that God’s grace and blessing will be poured out to those who worship in each family!

And we will keep Inform you on future services and ministries.

Finally, we want to share the Bible passage from last week’s message.
Acts 4: 29-30
Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.
Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

I pray that Jesus’ name will free and heal people with illnesses and problems!
Also I pray that the Lord who works together will use us.
And I pray to all the members of the ICF Church and everyone who watches ICFTV for God’s blessing.

God bless you!
ICF Church
Rev. Ito Eunyong