外耳道湿疹 External otitis, swimmer’s ear





4年位前から、左耳の痒みから始まり、耳だれが出るようになり、2年位前からは声がこもるようになってましたが、祈って頂いて、その日の夜には全く癒されました。ハレルヤ 主に感謝します。

Name: U.N

Name of Illness: External otitis, swimmer’s ear

Duration: 4 year

Date Healed: March 14th, 2021

Doctor Certification: None


Since about 4 years ago, I had pain and discharge from my left ear. 2 years from now, my ear felt very clogged, and couldn’t hear people’s voice properly. However, since I received prayer, I was completely healed that night. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.

大腸癌 Colon Cancer





H.31 私たち家族は旭川で転勤生活を送っていました。その頃から、私はお腹の調子が悪かったのですが、「慣れない土地で入院でもしたら…」と思うと病院には行けませんでした。








Name: Y.S

Name of Illness: Colon Cancer


Date Healed: July, 2019

Doctor Certification:


I used to live in Asahikawa, and my family was family that moves a lot due to job transfer. Since then, my stomach wasn’t feeling so good, but because I had concern that “If I had to be hospitalized for some reason…” Next year, my family was able to go back to Sapporo, so I went to get checked out, and the diagnosed me as “Colon Cancer”, and I had to be hositalized. There was tumor around rectum and sigmoid colon, so there was possibility of stoma and removal of ovary. When Pastor Jerry prayed for me, tears and cry came out that I didn’t imagine would come out. It was as if something was getting out of myself with cry.

Even after that, there has been a lot of prayer that went on. While being hospitalized and after the surgery, I’ve always felt that I was being prayed for. Tumor that doctor originally said was about 3cm, actually was over the size of 12cm, but I didn’t have to have open surgery, no need of stoma, and was able to finish without having to remove my ovary. Hallelujah! After I got out of the hospital, I was very worried about whether there was going to be need for drug therapy. I prayed to God as if I was crying out. God answered my prayer with “His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark […] A thousand may fall at your right hand, But it shall not approach you. (Psalm 91:4, 7)” In the end, there wasn’t any metastasis. Praise God! It has been 2 years since then, but I am glad to tell you everything is fine to this point. I also declare that God’s healing is perfect. Thank you to all of you who have been supporting me with prayer and taking care of my family. Thank you so much.

左顎まわりの筋肉疲労、顎関節症 Tiredness of muscle around chin, temporomandibular disorder







Name: T.K

Name of Illness: Tiredness of muscle around chin, temporomandibular disorder

Duration: 3 weeks ago

Date Healed: February 22nd, 2021

Doctor Certification: None


It was hurting so much, I had to use painkiller three times a day. I couldn’t do anything at all because of the pain. After the church service, Pastor Eunyoung prayed for me. I felt some warm feeling from her hand, and I felt like God brought me “healing”. From next day on, I no longer had to use the painkiller. I’m not using splint that I have been using for the past 25 years too. Hallelujah!