癒された日:2019年12月29日 癒しの礼拝
Name: H.Y
Name of Illness: Right shoulder joint inflammation (Periarthritis)
Duration: 1 Year
Date Healed: December 29, 2019 (Healing Service)
Doctor Certification: None
I am right-handed. I have done skiing, snowboarding, muscle training, and I don’t know exactly how I was injured but about one year ago, I started to feel pain in my right shoulder and upper right arm (especially in the flexors by the biceps). At first, I felt spasms, like there was stiffening in the muscles. I thought this was from overuse so if I rested, it would get better. But in fact, there were ups and downs with almost pain free days, and then very painful days. But as time went on, it did not get well. Lifting objects, arm swings while running, and even daily activities became difficult to do with the pain. In December 2019, at our last Healing Service of the year, Pastor Eunyoung gave a word of knowledge regarding neck and shoulder pain. With nothing to lose, I went forward for prayer, and as hands were laid on my shoulder, I felt an unbelievable heat. Before prayer, I couldn’t reach behind my back to touch my shoulder blades, but after prayer, I was able to do so. Also, my range of motion became much better. Not only that moment, but after one week, my shoulder joints are still doing well. Hallelujah!