Name: H.Y
Name of Illness: Injured Right Knee
Date Healed: March 2014 – June 2018
In 2014, one evening in February, as I usually do, I was playing futsal with my friends. An opponent dribbling the ball came towards me, and to block him, I put my right foot out. To dodge my block, the opponent’s leg got caught on the inside of my knee, and I heard a popping sound. In reflecting back, I had surgery on my right knee to repair a torn anterior cruciate ligament back in February 2011, where they used my muscle tendons to reconstruct two of my ligaments. I thought that I had torn one of these. While driving on the way home, so many thoughts entered my mind. Why was I so careless? I’ll never be able to play futsal again. I had heard that it was very difficult to reconstruct an already reconstructed ligament, and feeling so much regret, tears started streaming down my face. At that time, I was taking classes at CFNJ, but the next morning, the pain was so unbearable that I skipped class and went to the orthopedic hospital. After the MRI, the diagnosis was anterior cruciate ligament injury (front knee ligament (ACL)) and lateral collateral ligament injury (outer knee ligament (LCL)). This was way worse than I had even thought. The odds of successful surgery for LCL was extremely low, so in the meantime, I had to wear a cast for four weeks, and see how well it recovers on its own. At a Friday night prayer meeting in March, we all formed a circle to pray. While praying, I felt electricity running from my head to my leg where the cast was. This feeling was only my right leg, so I felt this was a sign that God was healing me. So I was filled with faith and hope that my knee would be healed by the time my cast was removed. On the day it was removed, the result was not what I expected. My knee was unstable and when I turned directions, I almost fell down. Just what did I experience at that prayer meeting? I was so disappointed.
In the summer of 2015, I had another surgery to remove the pin that was placed to hold the ligament to the shinbone in the surgery four years earlier. During this second surgery, I saw the condition of my knee through an arthroscope. As I watched the monitor, I saw that the ligament, when pulled by a hook, showed no elasticity or strength. Just as I thought… I wasn’t healed. I gave up on healing and never felt more disappointed in my entire life.
Time passed, and I was able to ski and play futsal with no problem. But last April, I heard a rattling sound in my right knee. Also after exercising, the pain would last a long time, and water kept accumulating in my knee. MRI tests revealed synovitis (connective tissue inflammation). Because the symptoms did not improve, in October, I faced my third surgery. The surgeon was a different one than the last time. He removed the cartilage fragment type fiber tissue which was believed to cause the rattling sound. At that time, he tested the previously reconstructed cartilage with a hook, and said, “I see that these two cartilages are healthy.” What? Hmm, I think one should have been torn, but feeling good, I didn’t give it much thought. Then again in April of this year, I felt discomfort in my knee. It felt like something was stuck in there, and this feeling wouldn’t go away. At our May cell group meeting, we studied about the woman who suffered from bleeding for many years and was healed. As we meditated on the section where Jesus had this woman come forward to confess what she did, I realized that the reason my knee wouldn’t completely heal was that I had never confessed my healing. Although my knee wasn’t healed when I removed the cast, three years later, the cartilage that I had thought was torn, was strong and healthy. This was a miracle healing from God, but I had not given thanks, nor given my testimony. I just took it for granted. During a church service in June, I heard that when you give a testimony, it is saying, “do it again.” In other words, if we don’t testify of our healing, we won’t see the healing occur a second time. If I keep this blessing (healing) I received to myself, if I don’t release (testify) this, blessings (healings) will not flow (happen). For this reason, I feel that I have received repeated promptings from God to give my testimony and I am writing this now. And during these two weeks of writing, I have been healed! Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah!