「だから、積極的な言葉を話す。」とその言葉と一緒に働くことが解りました。栄光が主にありますように!!!イエスさまありがとう!! 又、イエスさまに対する愛が新しくされました。ハレルヤ!!ハレルヤ!!!
Name: T.Y
Name of illness: Lymphedema (swelling of lymph glands)
Due to lymphedema, it was difficult to walk and run, and in the late afternoon, I would become tired and have to lie down. I prayed many times for healing, and gradually just gave up. Recently I watched a DVD about testimonies of miraculous faith, and like the woman who had the issue of bleeding for many years, I learned the importance of positive faith confession. At the April 29 Healing Service, Pastor Jerry gave a word of knowledge and I came forward for prayer. During prayer, in the leading of the Holy Spirit, he said in a loud voice, “Miracle!”When he said that, my body started shaking. There were many people, so I felt it wasn’t good for me to fall, but I was really shaking. Up until now, even though something good happened to me, I hardly ever “testified” about it. So this testimony is also like a miracle to me. Since the healing service on April 29, many good things have happened in my family. I also believe that my inner man has been strengthened.
Since illness in the family, and even battling cancer myself, I realized that I have not given much testimony. It was like an evil spirit suppressing me in that area. But through a prophecy, I began to seek healing. I was told to ask for big things. God does great things, I was told. I then realized that I was under the illusion that healing was based on my faith. But healing is based on God. I once again realized that all I needed to do was pray. This lymphedema is not yet 100% healed, but I can walk, and I am becoming stronger and stronger. I’ve also learned the importance of having faith in the Word. The Holy Spirit works alongside “positive words”.
That’s why, “I will speak positive words.” I understand now that the Holy Spirit will work with these words. I give all the glory to the Lord!!! Thank you, Jesus!! My love for Jesus has been renewed. Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!