左ひざの痛み Pain in left knee






Name:  T.A

Name of Illness:  Pain in left knee

Date Healed:  May 10, 2018


Since mid-September of 2017, when I fractured my right leg in two places, I used mostly my left leg and foot.  This burden caused the sole and knee of my left leg to become painful. At the YFN Camp during Golden Week, we broke up into small groups, and I received prayer for my foot. The pain immediately left.  But after that, the pain in my left knee became worse, and it was hard to bend and stretch my leg. At the Kid’s Cell Group on Thursday, I asked for prayer.  The children laid their hands on me and prayed. All of a sudden, the pain and discomfort I felt was gone. I was so happy that without thinking, I started to do squats.  I later heard that at the Tuesday Prayer Meeting, another sister in Christ had been healed and also did squats.  I was encouraged by this same healing.  Praise the Lord!!

ギックリ腰 Twisted back





火曜日の聖書の学びの前日、私は突然ギックリ腰になってしまいました。体勢を少し変えるだけで腰がとても痛く、次の日の学びはお休みしなくてはいけないかもしれないと思っていました。次の日も痛みは変わらず歩くのも辛かったのですが、腰にコルセットを巻き教会に行きました。教会に入り痛そうな顔をしている私に、真紀子さんがどこか具合が悪いですか?と聞いて下さり、真紀子さん、ウンニョン先生、ひとみさんがお祈りをしてくれました。祈ってもらった後、不思議なくらい腰がポカポカ温かくなりました。学びが終わり、祈りの時、ついさっきまで痛く重かった腰が軽くなっているのを感じました。腰を動かしてみても痛みがありません。私は癒された事を確信し、コルセットを外し何度もスクワットをしましたが全く痛みがなくなっていました。さっきまでの痛みは何だったのだろうと思う程、すっかり癒され本当にびっくりしました。ハレルヤ 神様 感謝します!!

Name:  Y.Y

Name of Illness:  Twisted back

Date Healed:  May 8, 2018


The day before the Tuesday Bible study class, I suddenly twisted my back.  If I changed my posture just a little, there was so much pain that I thought I would have to be absent from the Bible study. On Tuesday morning, nothing had changed and it was still difficult to walk. But I put on a medical corset, and went to church. As I walked in, Makiko saw the pained expression on my face and asked if I was okay. After explaining, Makiko, Pastor Eunyoung and Hitomi prayed for me. After prayer, my back felt unusually warm. After the bible study, during prayer time, my back felt lighter. When I moved it, there was no pain.  I knew I was healed, took off the back brace, and started to do squats. It didn’t hurt at all. I couldn’t believe that just before, I was having so much pain. It surprised me that I was totally healed. Hallelujah.  Thank you, God!!



リンパ浮腫 Lymphedema (swelling of lymph glands)








「だから、積極的な言葉を話す。」とその言葉と一緒に働くことが解りました。栄光が主にありますように!!!イエスさまありがとう!! 又、イエスさまに対する愛が新しくされました。ハレルヤ!!ハレルヤ!!!

Name: T.Y

Name of illness:  Lymphedema (swelling of lymph glands)

Due to lymphedema, it was difficult to walk and run, and in the late afternoon, I would become tired and have to lie down.  I prayed many times for healing, and gradually just gave up. Recently I watched a DVD about testimonies of miraculous faith, and like the woman who had the issue of bleeding for many years, I learned the importance of positive faith confession. At the April 29 Healing Service, Pastor Jerry gave a word of knowledge and I came forward for prayer.  During prayer, in the leading of the Holy Spirit, he said in a loud voice, “Miracle!”When he said that, my body started shaking. There were many people, so I felt it wasn’t good for me to fall, but I was really shaking.  Up until now, even though something good happened to me, I hardly ever “testified” about it. So this testimony is also like a miracle to me. Since the healing service on April 29, many good things have happened in my family.  I also believe that my inner man has been strengthened.

Since illness in the family, and even battling cancer myself, I realized that I have not given much testimony. It was like an evil spirit suppressing me in that area.  But through a prophecy, I began to seek healing.  I was told to ask for big things.  God does great things, I was told.  I then realized that I was under the illusion that healing was based on my faith. But healing is based on God.  I once again realized that all I needed to do was pray.  This lymphedema is not yet 100% healed, but I can walk, and I am becoming stronger and stronger.  I’ve also learned the importance of having faith in the Word.  The Holy Spirit works alongside “positive words”.

That’s why, “I will speak positive words.” I understand now that the Holy Spirit will work with these words. I give all the glory to the Lord!!!  Thank you, Jesus!!  My love for Jesus has been renewed.  Hallelujah!!  Hallelujah!!