1年ほど前から足のひざに生活の中にも、階段の昇り降りにも違和感がありましたが、ずっと違和感を持ちながら仕事もし、過ごしていました。先週の土曜日から3日間痛くて眠れず礼拝に行く事が出来ませんでした。月曜日に病院へ行き診てもらったら、ひざに水が溜まり半月板も炎症していました。その時に水を抜きヒアルロン酸注射をしましたが、腫れはひかず1週間そのままにしていました。今日、礼拝前にうんにょん先生に祈って頂いたら熱くなって腫れがなくなりました!! ひざも楽になりました!!
Name: Y.M
Name of Illness: Pain and swelling in right knee
Duration: About 1 year
Date Healed: March 11, 2018
About one year ago, I felt discomfort in my knee. Whether it was climbing up and down the stairs, working, or just doing everyday things, I lived with this discomfort. For the last three days, from this past Saturday, I started to feel pain and couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t even attend church service. On Monday I went to the hospital, and was told there was water in my knee, and inflammation in the meniscus (cartilage that provides cushioning between thigh and shin bone). At that time, I received a hyaluronic acid injection, but the swelling did not subside for the whole week. Today, before the church service, I received prayer from Pastor Eunyoung, and the affected area became hot and the swelling completely subsided!! My knee also felt much better!! “It’s not a matter of age, but my youthfulness has healed me and will make me healthy”, I declared!! Hallelujah!! Thanks be to the Lord!