仙骨の痺れの癒し Numbness above tail bone area










Name:  Y.Y

Name of Illness:  Numbness above tail bone area

Duration:  2 months

Date Healed:  July 30, 2017 Healing Service


For body building competition, almost every day I went through hard muscle training.  Lifting heavy barbells creates stress on the back and hips, so living with pain was only natural to me.  However, two months ago, I suddenly felt discomfort above the tail bone area.  When I touched it, it was numb and there was a dull feeling.  I went to the doctor, but they couldn’t find the cause, and I had an uneasy feeling every day.  Then, yesterday at the healing service, I received prayer from Pastor Jerry.  Suddenly, the numbness and dull feeling was gone.  I was so surprised.  My uneasy feeling also went away.  I am so thankful.  Thank you, Pastor Jerry.  God is so wonderful!

飛蚊症の癒し Eye floaters








Name:  Y.K

Name of Illness:  Eye floaters

Duration:  Since birth (18 years)

Date Healed:  July 30, 2017 Healing Service


I was born with eye floaters, and 18 years have passed since then.  While I study and when I look at white scenery such as fallen snow, I always saw these black floaters.  But now, I am writing on this white paper and, where there used to be black floaters on the page, since I received prayer, I only see the white paper!!  All my life I’ve gotten used to seeing these, and now suddenly, not seeing them gives me a tiny, lonely feeling, but I’m so grateful to God for this healing!!!  Since I’ve received this healing, I can feel the greatness of God even more than before.

①右目に黒い線のようなものが見える/②肋間筋挫傷(右胸部の痛み)の癒し ① Black line in right eye field of vision ② Rib contusion (right side)



病歴:①2年程前から ②8/2仕事中に受傷

癒された日:①2017730日癒しの礼拝 ②201786



  • 2年程前から、右眼の視界に黒い線状のものが見える時がありました。時間が経つと消えたり、視点を変えると見えなくなったので最初はあまり気にしていませんでした。1年程前黒いものが頻繁に見えるようになって来たので眼科を受診しました。病気ではなく、老化によって水晶体がやせた為、その影が黒いものとして視界に現れると言われました。老化なので治療の方法もないとのことでした。祈ってもらった後、黒いものは見えなくなりました。その後も時々右眼の視界に黒いものが見えることがありましたが、神様の完全な癒しを受け取ることを宣言しました。(実は右眼の癒しは今回で2回目でした。前回も祈ってもらった後、黒いものが消えて喜んでいたのですが、少しずつ黒いものが見え始めた時、私は癒されることを諦めてしまいました。癒しは受け取り、手放さいものなんだと確信しました。)
  • 私は仕事中、突進して来た小学生とぶつかり、右胸部を強く打ちました。ぶつかった時、骨がミシミシと音を立てるような鈍い音と強い痛みを感じました。その日のうちに整形外科を受診し「肋間筋挫傷」で全治2週間の診断を受けました。重たい物を持つ、寝返りをうつ、体を捻じる、笑う、くしゃみ、咳等、全ての動作で痛みが走り、車の運転さえ痛みを伴う毎日でした。祈ってもらうとスーッと痛みが和らぐのを感じました。殆ど癒されたと答えると、更に癒しを祈って下さり、他の、自分では感じていなかった体の部分まで祈って下さいました。又、仕事中の事故だったので職場での私の役割についても言葉を頂き、本当に励まされました。「癒しの天使が来て、あなたの痛みを完全に取り去ってくれる」と話されました。その後、体を捻じっても痛みはなくなりました。


Name:  H.K

Name of Illness:  ① Black line in right eye field of vision ② Rib contusion (right side)

Duration:  ① About 2 years  ② Injured at work on 8/2

Date Healed:  ① July 30, 2017 Healing Service  ② August 6, 2017


  • About 2 years ago, a black line appeared in my right eye. But after a while it would disappear, and if I looked in a different direction, it would also disappear so I didn’t think much about it. After about a year passed, it happened more frequently, so I went to the eye doctor. Apparently aging causes the eye lens to become thinner, and this creates a shadow which appears as a line. Since this is due to aging, there is no treatment, according to the doctor. After receiving prayer, the line disappeared; however, sometimes I could still see the line. But I declared that I receive God’s total healing. (Actually, this is my second time receiving healing in my right eye. The first time after I received prayer, the black thing in my eye disappeared, and I rejoiced, but slowly it started to appear again and I gave up. But this time I receive the healing, and am convinced to hang on to it and not let go).
  • While I was working, a primarily school student came rushing, and crashed into my right chest area. On impact, I heard a sharp cracking sound from my bone, and felt severe pain. I went to the orthopedic hospital that day, and was diagnosed with rib contusion, which needed two weeks to completely heal.  Every day I felt terrible pain whenever I lifted heavy objects, rolled over while sleeping, turned my body around, laughed, sneezed, coughed, etc.  I even felt pain while driving. While I was receiving prayer, I felt a lifting of the pain. As I said that I’m almost healed, the person praying for me also started to pray for another area of my body where I actually never felt anything wrong. Also, since this happened at work, my co-workers gave me encouraging words such as, “A healing angel came and took away your pain.” After that, the final pain I felt when I turned my body, was completely gone.  So grateful to God!!!