Last October 2016 I was diagnosed with acid reflux and discovered I had H pylori infection in February, along with severe gastritis. Then for the last 3-4 months, I felt a “ball” in my throat and whenever I sang or prayed in tongues, I had a hard time breathing. Then this past Sunday during the announcement, I realized that it was a healing service and suddenly felt choked up. Then I felt something lift off of me, and I could praise and worship with no problem for the first time. Later a word of knowledge for stomach problem was given, and I went up for prayer for acid reflux and stomach. The “ball” feeling in my throat turned to an iron ball feeling whenever I ate tomatoes or drank milk products. But after prayer the “ball” feeling was gone and I ate a tomato slice for lunch, and again at dinner, with no problem. Thank you Jesus!!!
I have been suffering from diabetes, which caused a vein to clog, and at the age of 55, I had a heart attack. After surgery, it was decided to insert a catheter to cure the blocked vein; however, this surgery did not help. The doctor told me that pain was evidence of still being alive, and I was shocked at this. I received prayer, and this pain which would not go away, disappeared and I felt much better. So grateful.
It appeared that I had slept with my eyes open, and in the morning, there was a wound on my cornea which was so painful that I couldn’t open my eye. I went to the hospital, applied medicine and came home with an eye patch. After receiving prayer, the pain was gone and I was healed!! Hallelujah!! After that, I went back to the hospital, there was no evidence of any wound on my cornea. The doctor was in disbelief, and examined me three times. The wound was on my left eye, but the doctor kept muttering, “maybe it was the right eye?, Is natural healing power really stronger?…” Hallelujah!! Praise be to the name of our Lord!!!