再生不良貧血(国の難病)の癒し Aplastic Anemia













Name:  E.T

Name of Illness:  Aplastic Anemia


Date Healed:  February 26, 2017


My condition before receiving prayer:  The bone marrow was unable to crystalize in my body, and the white blood cell count was well below the standard level.  At the least, the count needed to be a 5, and because of this I had to stay in the hospital and could not go to church.


My condition after receiving prayer:  After receiving prayer from my home church in Osaka, my blood cell count rose to 5, and I was discharged from the hospital.  During that time, I sought after complete healing, and I went to ICF Church in Hokkaido to receive prayer from Pastor Jerry.

After returning home, my blood count fell, and I was hospitalized in serious condition.  I asked for emergency prayer from both my home church and Pastor Jerry, and the following morning, my blood count returned to normal.  During my recovery over the next week, I listened to bible messages and received encouragement, and was released from the hospital. At the present, my blood count has remained normal, and I’m receiving medical treatment at home.  My appetite has also returned and I am eating normally. From being hospitalized in serious condition to being released and on the road to recovery, I can only attribute this to God’s mysterious healing work.  From the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful to the Lord.

心臓病(不整脈)の癒し Heart Disease (Irregular Heartbeat)







5 ,6年前から調子が悪く、症状は脈が飛び時々、きつつきの様に動悸がします。求心を飲んで間に合わせていましたが、ごく最近会話をしていても深い呼吸しなければならなくなったので、中の島病院に行きました、心電図の波形は異常で心臓の大きさはグレーゾーンだと言われました。この2日後祈って頂き、ジェリー先生に「また、検査して下さい」と言われた様だったので、次の日大野病院で全く同じ検査をしました。結果、“心臓の大きさは普通、心電図は軍隊が行進している様な綺麗な波形でした。”

医師は「心臓に全く問題はなく、脈の強さはむしろ普通の人より強いです!誰かに動かされている様な感じです。」 。。。。。そういうことですか!!!ハレルヤ!!!!




Name:  Y.U

Name of Illness:  Heart Disease (Irregular Heartbeat)

Duration:  Gradually from 5-6 Years Ago (No hospital visits)

Date Healed:  February 26, 2017 Healing Service


From five or six years ago, my health condition became bad, and I would experience irregular heartbeat and sharp palpitations. Although I drank medication when this happened, I had shortness of breath even while just talking, so I went to Nakanoshima Hospital. Both the EKG reading and the size of my heart was abnormal. Two days later, I received prayer, and Pastor Jerry told me to go back to have it examined. This time I went to Ohno Hospital and took the same exam. The result, “Your heart size is normal, and the EKG reading was like a beautiful, military parade march.”The doctor said there was absolutely no problem with my heart and my pulse is stronger than most other people!  And I can feel it!!!  Hallelujah!!!! I am grateful to God the creator.  Thank you to the Healer, Lord Jesus. I give you my all.

PS:  It’s been a month, and I have had no irregular heartbeat and palpitations.

左足人差指の腫れの癒し Swollen second toe on left foot









Name:  M.K

Name of Illness:  Swollen second toe on left foot


Date Healed:  January 29 2017 Healing Service


Three days ago I bumped my toe on the foot of a chair, and since then my left second toe was swollen and felt hot. There was also a burning sensation.  That Saturday, we had a cell group meeting, and my toe was prayed for. The next Sunday, I realized that the pain was gone. I had been healed and completely forgot about the pain. Thank you, Lord!  Hallelujah!