耳の中の痛みの癒し Middle ear pain







2、3日前から耳の中が痛いと言うようになり、中耳炎かと思い近所の耳鼻科で診てもらった。 お医者さんに特に異常はないと言われ、薬も出されず診断料も払わず帰されました。



Name:  Y.S

Name of Illness:  Middle ear pain

Duration:  None, except the time of middle ear infection

Date Healed:  Summer 2016


Several days ago Yuuna felt pain in her middle ear and I thought it was an ear infection. We went to the neighborhood ENT clinic, but the doctor said nothing was wrong. No medication was given and we weren’t even charged for the visit.

That evening, at a prayer gathering, we were asked to form small groups and pray for healing. I called Yuuna from her room and after praying, Pastor Eunyoung continued to pray for her. She was instantly healed, and this unknown source of pain was completely gone.  Hallelujah!

孔脳症の癒し Foramen Syndrome (cervical disorder)








娘の病は孔脳症というもので母体にいる時、もしくは分娩中に何らかのトラブルにより脳梗塞を起こし、右脳の一部が委縮してしまい、その事により左半身の麻痺、てんかん発作の症状がありました。この病気の発覚時、医師からは この病は治るものではないので、てんかん発作をおさえる薬を朝晩一生服用しながら生活していく事になると告げられました。






Name:  Y.K

Name of Illness:  Foramen Syndrome (cervical disorder)


Date Healed:  2015 Summer Service


I am Norie Kobayashi, the sister of Yuki Takiyama.  I would like to thank the members of ICF Church and CFNJ Bible School for praying for my daughter, Yuuna, who is in the 4th grade of primary school.  I’m not sure if it was a result of a problem during my pregnancy or during delivery, but she suffered a stroke and the right side of her brain atrophied, and as a result, the left side of her body became paralyzed and she would have seizures.  When she was diagnosed as having Foramen Syndrome, the doctor told me that this was an uncurable disease, and she would have to take medication to suppress the seizures for the rest of her life. Although the left paralysis was not so severe, when she ran, it was unbalanced and sporadic, and she was not good at gripping the horizontal bar when required. But… last summer when we visited Hokkaido, the Takiyama family took me to ICF Church and we witnessed a miracle. Tomihide Takiyama brought Yuuna to Pastor Jerry Jantzen for healing prayer for her left side paralysis.  Then, my daughter’s paralysis was healed! Hallelujah!! My daughter, previously not good at running, took third place out of six contestants at this year’s Sports Day, and not only that, but she could firmly grip the horizontal bar.  My daughter tells us with great joy, “Since I was healed, I can do the one legged swing and the bat hang (two horizontal bar skills)!”

“By His wounds we are healed.”  Isaiah 53:5

Although my daughter still has the Foramen Syndrome and still experiences the side effects of taking seizure suppression drugs morning and evening, the healing of her paralysis has encouraged us to believe that nothing is impossible with God.  We are believing for full healing for our daughter.

“All things are possible with God”  Mark 10:27

From the bottom of my heart, I give praise and thanksgiving to our great Lord.


慢性胃炎の癒し Helicobacter pylori, Gastritis








5日間除菌薬服用をする。2ヶ月後に検査するも除菌されず、2回目のピロリ除菌のため予約する。6ヶ月後に2回目の検査する。 検査結果は除菌されていません。1回目も2回目も変化ない状態でした。3回目のピロリ除菌すすめられました。医者からは3回しても除菌されなければ専門外来に行くようにすすめられました。




Name:  M.M

Name of Illness:  Helicobacter pylori, Gastritis

Duration:  Chronic

Date Healed:  May 23, 2016


An optional health examination was available for the H. Pylori bacteria, so I decided to take the test. The result was positive. I took medication to eradicate the bacteria for five days. After six months, I took the test again.  The second test was the same as the first, positive for H. Pylori. I was advised to take the test again for the third time, and was told by the doctor that if it wasn’t eradicated on the third try, I would need to go to a specialist. During the healing ministry after the church service, a J-Style member called out a word of knowledge, “feeling nauseous after eating.” That was me, and I went and received a short prayer. I went for testing the third time.  “Let’s check one more time,” the doctor said. After testing, the result came back negative (0), no sign of H. Pylori. I was glad that I received prayer before the examination.  It is all the glory of God. Thank you to the two J-Style members who interceded for me.  Hallelujah.