ねんざの癒し Sprain









Name:  M.M

Name of Illness:  Sprain


Date Healed:  November 16, 2016 Healing Festival


On November 15 (Tuesday), during Physical Education class at school, I was doing a handstand when I lost my balance, hit my right leg hard and sprained it.  The doctor told me that it would take three weeks to completely heal, and I left the hospital with a cast and crutches.  The next day it was very painful and difficult to walk, but I decided to receive prayer at the Prayer Festival, so I went.  When I received prayer, the pain was completely gone.

I didn’t even need my crutches.  I went to the doctor and asked him to remove my cast, but the doctor told me, “Sprains like yours will not heal in 2-3 days” and he wouldn’t remove it.  So for no other reason, I had to keep the cast on for one week.  Jesus can do what doctors cannot.  Hallelujah!

交通事故による背中の痛みの癒し Back pain

氏名:M. Aさん






In the 24th of June, 2012, I was involved in a road traffic accident. As a result, I could not walk or move my neck sideways. The X-ray showed that I had fractured my lower spine and would have difficulties with certain things as a result.

I recovered and could walk and move my neck but I have constantly lived with the back ache for 4years now. I even accepted it as normal and thought at least GOD spared my life. Today I took GOD on this word, pastor said faith is the ability to respond and receive what GOD promised to give me. So like an antenna I must just receive. And after prayer, I received my healing. The pain I lived with for 4years is all gone in Jesus’ Name. I am overwhelmed  , GOD is good, His word is true. Faith is all I needed. Praise GOD.




Name:  M.A

Name of Illness:  Back pain

Duration:  4 years

Date Healed:  October 30, 2016


In the 24th of June, 2012, I was involved in a road traffic accident. As a result, I could not walk or move my neck sideways. The X-ray showed that I had fractured my lower spine and would have difficulties with certain things as a result.

I recovered and could walk and move my neck but I have constantly lived with the back ache for 4years now. I even accepted it as normal and thought at least GOD spared my life. Today I took GOD on this word, pastor said faith is the ability to respond and receive what GOD promised to give me. So like an antenna I must just receive. And after prayer, I received my healing. The pain I lived with for 4years is all gone in Jesus’ Name. I am overwhelmed  , GOD is good, His word is true. Faith is all I needed. Praise GOD.

股関節唇損傷の癒し Hip joint hip labral tear








Name:  S.K

Name of Illness:  Hip joint hip labral tear

Duration:  1 year

Date Healed:  June 19, 2016


Born with hip dysplasia, the symptoms did not appear until I was in my 40’s.  If I walked a lot, my hip joint became so painful that I couldn’t lift my leg.  But after a while, the pain would leave and I could go on normally.  A few years later, it became so painful that I couldn’t walk, and I went to the orthopedic hospital and discovered that I had hip dysplasia.  There is really no treatment for this, so I was given painkillers, and thought that it was healed as I was able to again resume life normally.

Last year, I started to exercise by walking my dog, and going up and down the stairs.  This probably put a burden on my hip joint, as both my dog and I hurt our legs, and we both commuted regularly to the hospital.  I was put on painkillers and started rehabilitation; however, after 3 months I didn’t get better.

At the healing service, I received prayer, and although the pain didn’t immediately leave, the affected area became warm.  I just kept praying that it would get better.  A few days later, I learned of stretch exercises and supplements that would help.  The pain also felt 90% better.  God heals us in many different ways.  I also learned that I needed to take care of my body better.  I strongly thought that, with a strong body, we can pray boldly and confidently.