Name: T.A
Name of Illness: Pain in left knee
Date Healed: May 10, 2018
Since mid-September of 2017, when I fractured my right leg in two places, I used mostly my left leg and foot. This burden caused the sole and knee of my left leg to become painful. At the YFN Camp during Golden Week, we broke up into small groups, and I received prayer for my foot. The pain immediately left. But after that, the pain in my left knee became worse, and it was hard to bend and stretch my leg. At the Kid’s Cell Group on Thursday, I asked for prayer. The children laid their hands on me and prayed. All of a sudden, the pain and discomfort I felt was gone. I was so happy that without thinking, I started to do squats. I later heard that at the Tuesday Prayer Meeting, another sister in Christ had been healed and also did squats. I was encouraged by this same healing. Praise the Lord!!