足とひじの痛み Pain in leg and elbow






Name: H.N

Name of Illness: Pain in leg and elbow

Duration: 10 years (toe pain)

Date Healed: July 2019

Doctor Certification: None


Praise the Lord. I had pain in one of my toes for the last ten years. Whenever I walked for 30 minutes, I would feel pain, and if no one was around, I had to take off my shoes to massage the toe. I couldn’t find shoes that fit well, and thought I would have to special order. I read the Healing Testimonies at church, and thought, how wonderful…And I prayed to the Lord to heal me. After a while, I felt pain in my arm, and strongly putting my faith in the healing power of the Lord, I prayed that He would heal this also. I was scheduled to visit the orthopedic hospital for my arm. But my leg was immediately healed. I was so grateful. After 2-3 days, I realized I felt no pain in my arm. I believed that the Lord completely healed me. I am now completely healed, and knowing that the Lord loves me, I joyfully testified this to my sister. Although some days are difficult, through this healing, I have experienced the wonderfulness of the Lord. Hallelujah!