左足のつま先から腰までの痛み Pain from Left Toes to Lower Back





先週18日(日)色々用を足すために、いつも以上に歩いてしまいました。(2万歩程) 次の日、足首から腰まで張った感じと痛みが徐々に加わっていきました。火曜日の朝には普通に起き上がれず、立てず益々痛みが強くなっていきました。時間が経つと痛みが落ち着く感じでしたが、土曜日に整形外科に行き、レントゲンを撮り、医師には椎間板ヘルニアではないかとの診断で、来月MRIを撮りましょうとなりました。日曜礼拝後のミニストリーで祈ってもらったら痛みがスーッと抜けていく感じでどんどん薄れていき、足首がとっても軽くピョンピョン跳ねても大丈夫です!!


Name: K.Y

Name of Illness: Pain from Left Toes to Lower Back


Date Healed: August 25, 2019

Doctor Certification: None


Last week on the 18th, I had personal business to take care of, and I walked a lot more than usual (about 20,000 steps). The next day I felt a tightening from my ankles to my lower back, which then turned into pain. I couldn’t even get up on Tuesday, and when I tried to stand, I felt strong pain. I felt better after a few days, but on Saturday I went to the orthopedic hospital and took x-rays. The doctor suspected hernia, and scheduled an MRI for the following month. On Sunday, I went to receive prayer during ministry time, and suddenly it felt like the pain was slipping away. Gradually there was no pain, my ankles felt very light, and I could hop around with no problem!! I receive this healing!! Thank you, Lord! A few days have passed since then, and I can say that my back is completely healed and there is absolutely no pain!! Hallelujah!!