癒された日:2019年12月29日 癒しの礼拝
Name: Y .Y
Name of Illness: Shoulder pain
Duration: 4 weeks
Date Healed: December 29, 2019 (Healing Service)
Doctor Certification: None
Four weeks ago I stumbled in front of my house. When my hand touched the ground, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, and the pain kept getting worse. After that I couldn’t raise my arm so I went to the hospital. The x-rays showed no problem, but the pain kept getting worse and worse. At today’s Healing Service, Pastor Eunyoung gave a word of knowledge about neck and shoulder pain. I was convinced that I would be healed! I had a hard time moving my arms to put on my coat this morning, but after Pastor Eunyoung prayed for me, I could raise my arm smoothly and there was no pain. Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord.