風邪 Cold




癒された日:2020年8月30日 癒しの礼拝



Name: K.Y

Name of Illness: Cold

Duration: About one month Date Healed: August 30, 2020 (Healing Service)

Doctor Certification: None


From the end of July, coughing, phlegm and loss of voice symptoms got worse, and at the beginning of August, I went to the hospital. MRI results of my lungs showed nothing abnormal. I took medication for two weeks, but didn’t get completely well. Every day I prayed in tongues in my heart. At the Healing Service, I went forward for prayer. As hands were laid on my chest, heat from the hands transmitted to my body, and after coughing about 2-3 times, my body felt light and the coughing and phlegm stopped. Afterwards, fellow sisters in Christ formed a circle around me to pray, and I was able to pray in tongues in a loud voice like never before. Thank you, Lord.