癒された日:2021年5月28日 ジェリー師授業で
代筆:ジェリー ジャンセン
I TEACH EVERY Friday at CFNJ Bible school . Last Friday, the class a student came to me and said that he had been reading our ICF healing testimony magazine. I said that’s good. Then he lifted up his hand that had one finger all covered with bandages. He then asked if I would pray for the healing of his finger because it was very painful. I guess after reading the testimonies God had given him faith for healing. I prayed for him and after prayer he proceeded to take off his bandages. I did not tell him to do that, but on his own he began to unwrap his bandages. After taking off the bandages, he moved his finger and found that there was no pain. Completely healed. He said he was shocked that he had been so wonderfully healed. This miracle was all started when this student stated reading about other people’s healing testimonies. There is power in our testimonies!