左肩の亜脱臼の癒し Partial dislocated left shoulder









Name:  N.Y

Name of Illness:  Partial dislocated left shoulder

Duration:  2 Days

Date Healed:  January 14, 2018


I dislocated my left shoulder yesterday, and my left hand couldn’t do anything but “hang there”. My right hand had to hold my left hand whenever I needed to move it. I couldn’t change clothes, and I couldn’t get up out of bed. At night, I had a fever of 38 degrees, and thought of going to the emergency hospital.  But thinking I had to wait a long time before someone would see me, I gave up the idea, and although still feverish, I went to church the next morning. While receiving prayer, I felt the shoulder move back into the socket, and felt I was immediately healed about 50%.  But then gradually the pain and fever was completely gone.  Hallelujah!  Thank you, Lord!