小指の痛み Pain in little finger








Name:  K.Y

Name of Illness:  Pain in little finger

Duration:  About 4 months

Date Healed:  January 28, 2018 Healing Service


In October, the joint in my right little finger started to hurt, and it felt like it was bending and overlapping my ring finger.  In November, the pain intensified, and I went to the hospital.  I took x-rays, and was diagnosed with Heberden nodes (degeneration of cartilage in joints).  I received pain killers and medication for the cartilage, but had a hard time taking them so I didn’t.  The joint then became stiff, and again there was pain.  At the January Healing Service, Pastor Eunyoung called out a word of knowledge, “joints” and I went to receive prayer.  After prayer, I thought, “This is my medication,” and since then, every time I went to church, the pain decreased.  Now my little finger has straightened, and the stiff feeling is totally gone!  Hallelujah!  Thank you to the Lord!